04. Submitting the project

Submitting the Project


Your project will be reviewed by a Udacity reviewer against the Finding Donors for CharityML project rubric. Be sure to review this rubric thoroughly and self-evaluate your project before submission. All criteria found in the rubric must be meeting specifications for you to pass.

Submission Files

Following files would be needed for evaluation:

  • The finding_donors.ipynb notebook file with all questions answered and all code cells executed and displaying output.

  • An HTML export of the project notebook with the name report.html. This file must be present for your project to be evaluated.

When you are ready to submit your project, There are three ways in which your project can be submitted for evaluation.

  1. If you ran the notebook from your local machine collect the above files and compress them into a single archive for upload.

  2. You could supply the above files on your GitHub Repo in a folder named finding_donors for ease of access. This would build a good Github profile in parallel.

  3. If you worked using the workspace inside the classroom you can submit your project directly for review using the submit button at the end of project, just make sure you download the HTML report to local machine and upload it back into workspace BEFORE submitting your report.